The intro music

Why music works ?And sometimes it doesn`t work ? This is my first blog post.I was waiting for something to get downloaded (wink wink 😉 ) and thought of venturing into the world of blogs to pass time .Well,I expect nobody to read my posts (positivity boy ! ) .

So,I feel like introducing myself ( Blogging 101 😀 ). I am an automotive engineer from Bangalore ( just a fancy term for a software engineer ). The main reason I made this wordpress account : it is free :’D .  The secondary reasons include things like “desire to be heard”,”write my thoughts for strangers to read”.

If I can make any one of the readers who accidentally end up here looking for fetish porn  ( wait !!! what ?!? )  laugh ,then my job here is done .Even if you came here for something else and you laugh then again my job is done.

I am very,very new to this Game of Writing. But hey,every master was once a novice ,right ?

I would like to welcome you all to my little world by saying : Hi !